Rajnarind Kaur
Born and raised in the States, Rajnarind Kaur has traveled extensively both personally and professionally. With a focus on strategy, leadership, and finance, Rajnarind graduated with an Executive MBA from Stern Business School at New York University. She has led the Global Audit Professional Development team training internal auditors on specific methodology, focused course topics and creating internal governance structures and frameworks. She has successfully progressed at Credit Suisse, JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, and Prudential Financial. She began her professional career in investment banking on Wall Street in J.P. Morgan’s prestigious management development program focusing on Equity Derivatives, upon receiving her undergraduate degree. Internal consulting offered her an opportunity to begin her program management and corporate development journey along with encouraging mentors and supporting managers. She was also provided the amazing opportunity to teach Punjabi at Columbia University as an adjunct professor which continued to fuel her zeal for education.
Rajnarind also provides her expertise to teach the youth, both women and veterans who are transitioning back into the workforce, newly immigrated individuals to whom English is not their native language and adults who are always looking to improve themselves. Through the ‘Art of Speaking’ where she is the founding principal, she empowers individuals to confidently develop their leadership, analytical and public speaking skills. Rajnarind is involved in a variety of different aspects from teaching music, counselling children and parents, speaking at different forums, facilitating team events, conducting training workshops, coordinating large scale conferences and marketing products.
Rajnarind keeps herself quite busy outside of work as well and is passionate about having an impact and making a difference. She is an avid runner and is a co-founder of the successful 5K Run/1 Mile Walk, ‘Run as ONE’, whose mission is to embrace diverse communities supporting humanity together, inspiring change and running as ONE. She was recently selected as a Board member for the ‘ONE Project’ which inspires people from all backgrounds to work as ONE to make a difference!